Category: Press Release

Image 1 - Karbon Hero Launches Sustainability AI


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (March 6, 2025) – Karbon Hero is excited to announce the launch of the revolutionary Sustainability A.I. platform, a powerful tool designed to help businesses better understand and improve their sustainability reports. Powered by Google’s Cloud A.I. and…

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Jakarta, Indonesia / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Feb 12, 2025) – Karbon Hero, in collaboration with Plastavfall Solution, and Daur ID, recently conducted a comprehensive climate change and eco-anxiety survey from August to December 2024, targeting 200 professionals across Indonesia. The results…

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The Climate Change and ECO-Anxiety Survey Malaysia

Survey Highlights Severe Eco-Anxiety Levels Among Malaysian Corporate Professionals

Kuala Lumpur (Aug 6, 2024) – Karbon Hero, in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Centre for Low Carbon Transport in Cooperation with Imperial College London (UTM LoCARtic) conducted the Climate Change and Eco-Anxiety Survey (Malaysia edition). 400 corporate professionals from various…

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Karbon Hero Plastic Waste Collection and Recycling Methodology

Karbon Hero Launches its Plastic Waste Collection and Recycling Methodology to Address Global Plastic Pollution

Karbon Hero is proud to announce the launch of its Plastic Waste Collection and Recycling Methodology. The Genesys Plastic ECO-Credits generated from the methodology will address global plastic pollution by incentivising the removal of plastic waste from the open environment, through…

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Karbon Hero Partners with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia LOCARTIC to Accelerate Malaysia’s Decarbonization Efforts

Karbon Hero Partners with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia LOCARTIC to Accelerate Malaysia’s Decarbonization Efforts

Karbon Hero partners with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (“UTM LOCARTIC”), to accelerate decarbonization of energy intensive industries from the application of waste heat recovery solutions pioneered by UTM LOCARTIC. Both parties will strengthen the work of promoting more efficient use of energy…

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Genesys Reserve Forest Proection Methodology Launch

Genesys Reserve Launches its Highly Anticipated Forest Protection Methodology for the Creation of Carbon Credits

Genesys Reserve proudly announces the launch of its Forest Protection Methodology. Forests are one of the world’s most effective nature-based carbon sinks and reservoirs. This methodology will allow corporate and community-based project developers to generate carbon credits through the safeguarding and…

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Genesys Reserve Launches The Issuance, Ownership & Transfer Platform (IO&T) For Carbon Credits

Genesys Reserve Launches The Issuance, Ownership & Transfer Platform (IO&T) For Carbon Credits

The launch of the purpose-built Issuance, Ownership &Transfer (“IO&T”) Platform marks a milestone for the world’s first dynamic carbon registry, Genesys Reserve. The IO&T platform is intended to serve as an accessible, transparent, and user-friendly avenue for developers, buyers and verifiers…

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Karbon Hero Carbon RX MOU

Karbon Hero Signs Mou with Carbon RX to Advance Carbon Credit Development In Malaysia and Across the Region

Karbon Hero and Carbon RX, the Canadian carbon solution provider have signed a strategic partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), to share knowledge, expertise, and to further promote the development of high-quality carbon credits across Southeast Asia and the North America. The MOU…

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Genesys Reserve Solar Electricity Generation Methodology

Genesys Reserve launches the First Scalable Solar Electricity Generation Methodology Forthe Creation of Carbon Credits

Genesys Reserve launches its scalable Solar Electricity Generation Methodology. The methodology will be used to measure, validate and create Genesys Carbon Certificates (“GCCs”) from solar renewable energy projects. The two technologies accepted include photovoltaic (“PV”) and solar thermal systems. The methodology…

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Genesys Reserve Launches Malaysia’s First Electric Vehicle (Ev) Methodology

Genesys Reserve Launches Malaysia’s First Electric Vehicle (EV) Methodology For The Creation Of Carbon Credits

Genesys Reserve announces the launch of its 1st Electric Vehicle (EV) Methodology for the creation of carbon credits. The standard will be used to measure, monitor, report and verify carbon emissions reductions associated with the use of electric vehicles (“EV”). The…

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